4.02v && 4.03v - Widget and bot improvements

Last modification: 2022-05-11 12:08:51


  1. Option to save bot response as template or quickly copy from another trigger.
  2. Option to save trigger events as template.
  3. If widget theme was used and theme has an image it should override bot logo.


  1. Visitors can download now chat as txt file. Can be turned off in the chat configuration.
  2. Bot quick reply buttons now have option to set custom css class and icon content. Usefull while developing custom theme and using custom font.
  3. Survey widget state will have an operator profile shown.
  4. Various small changes for the widget modal windows. Paddings, button styles.
  5. Mobile app was not transferring chat to another operator.
  6. More CSS classes for widget elements to override them with custom CSS.

For update just follow standard update procedure For manual update it's update_274.sql and update_275.sql

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