2025-02-20 12:12:59
Automated Hosting now supports Meta/Facebook messenger!
Automated hosting support facebook messenger extension. So you can have your own facebook pages messenger now in Live Helper Chat. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIExwuWeb3E
2024-12-17 13:41:24
Automated Hosting updates!
Automated hosting and all clients now supports
- Background workers. All Rest API calls will be happening automatically in the background.
- NodeJS support added.
Take a look at demo with ChatGPT streaming https://doc.livehelperchat.com/ ask a question related to Live Helper Chat.
2024-12-16 08:05:10
4.52v Improvements
- Widget will remain opened/closed across pages domain/subdomains. Widget will load chat instantly if chat is started on another tab of the same page.
- If NodeJS is used and chat is started on subdomain it will continue on all subdomain of the main domain.
- On page reload widget will avoid flickering while loading main widget components.
- Inline form will have a check to avoid it being submitted after chat was closed.
- Widget sounds settings will remain the same across the domain/subdomain navigation
- It's possible to mask sensitive information before it sending to Rest API endpoint. https://doc.livehelperchat.com/docs/bot/rest-api#magic-prefixes-for-replaceable-variables
- Bot log will log much more events and is usefull for bot debugging. It's activated in department edit. Log will appear in audit log.
- Markdown standard link support for better ChatGPT support.
- Rest API debug enhancement options. https://doc.livehelperchat.com/docs/bot/rest-api#audit-log
- If initial intro message was long, we did not scrolled to the bottom as we should.
- If `'lhaudit','see_audit_system'` permission was not set, operator will not see Rest API messages logged in the chat.
- Now it's possible to block third party chat from incoming webhooks.
- Sub URL has magic prefix `urlencode_` to encode elements in the query. https://doc.livehelperchat.com/docs/bot/rest-api#sub-url
- Option to disable mail ticket closed for some of the mailbox even if customer e-mail matches few of the tickets.
- Option to choose to show bot profile in widget theme.
- Maintenance mode improvements.
- Stream as HTML support for Rest API calls.
- Simple search for personal canned messages.
- In triple quotes sometimes code was parsed as a code. We should not parse anything in triple quotes.
- Improvements in explanations for e-mail messages.
- In department list you can search by department alias.
- Now it's possible to define multiple work periods in the single day.
- Updated to React 18 widget.
- Brand new text editor for the operators. Can be activated in the dashboard settings.
For update just follow standard update procedure. No database update needed this time.
2024-10-14 12:46:50
4.51v Message remove
- Now you can remove selected message completely.
- Preparation for further works on custom online periods per department.
- Online/Offline peridios for operator will be tracked more precisely.
- Switch from || to OR syntax for SQL queries.
- Hours format for work hours switched to 23:59 as max value for end period.
For update just follow standard update procedure. For manual update it's update_321.sql
2024-10-11 03:58:25
4.49v && 4.50v Maintenance and Department offline mode
- You can put quickly chat into maintenance mode.
- Improvements how online status is checked once there is no passed department.
- You can set custom department strictly offline.
For update just follow standard update procedure. For manual update it's update_319.sql and update_320.sql
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