Working with roles

Last modification: 2013-01-26 06:36:04

Roles holds assigned modules functions. That way you can setup unlimited permission combination you want. If you want to create a role first thing you have to do is go to Roles list window.

In this window click add icon and fill initial role settings. New role window provided below.
If you click New policy you will be immediately taken to policy assigment window.

Modules and their core functions is described in another chapter

In role editing window consists of two parts.

  1. Assigned modules and their functions
  2. Assigned groups

If you want to assign new policy just click New policy button. You will be taken to module functions assigment window

If you click Assign group you will see window provided below. There is no different between assigning group to role from group editing window or from role editing window.

Roles can be deleted from roles list window. Just like in all other windows.

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