Automated hosting at, snapshot

Last modification: 2016-11-29 20:09:13

This offers is for any customer who is using as  their hosting. I have prepared snapshot for anyone who want's to start basic renting services. Snapshot includes the following features

  • Live Helper Chat with automated hosting plugin
  • Everything is configured, cronjobs, manager panel. Nginx configuration etc.

600 EUR


Does support is included?

No, like everything is already configured and there is readme file with all required information for final changes. There is included only initial configuration. The future updates of automated hosted plugin or LHC itself is YOUR responsibility.

Is it possible for you to do all the upgrades?

Yes, there is single time upgrade fee 100$ or yearly 800$ support fee. In that case updates to recent LHC version will be done once a month.

What linux version is used?

Centos 7, php 5.4, MariaDB, Nginx, Memcached for php sessions, NodeJS

Do you do unbranding?

Yes, standard rebranding with this purchase includes the following things

  • Change to your logo
  • Footer change
  • Mail template content change
  • Small adjustments in default database file according to your needs

Here is readme file from snapshot, some information was ommited

1. Edit nginx configuration at - /etc/nginx/conf.d/livehelperchat.conf
2. Restart nginx - systemctl restart nginx.service
3. Unbrand live helper chat client part at - /var/www/client/lhc_web/extension/unbrand
4. you can clean cache by executing - 
cd /var/www/client/lhc_web && php cron.php -s site_admin -c cron/util/clear_cache
Clearing cache from users backend does nothing.
5. Default logins to manager is
There is also two demo instances, you can change password and login to see how all looks like. Please change password.

If you want to play around with initial snapshot just edit your windows/linux host file and add the following lines, change IP to the one of your VPS
#manager interface

#client 1

#client 2

# For database access 

6. How to update live helper manager?
6.1 to update manager you can just execute, and then just update database from manager interface.
cd /var/www/manager/lhc_web && git pull origin master
6.2 Is it possible to automatically update manager plugin?
6.3 No, you will have to see changes at github what i make there. Usually I just appened sql queries for new versions.

7. How to update clients instances to new version?
cd /var/www/client/lhc_web && git pull origin master
cd /var/www/client/lhc_web && php cron.php -s site_admin -c cron/util/clear_cache

After that you will have to execute, it will update databases and clean cache
cd /var/www/manager/lhc_web && php cron.php -s site_admin -e instance -c cron/update_instances

8. Databases can be seen on
Please change password and set it in

9. Where do I edit mail template?

10. Where do I update images

11. How do I add translation in my language
a. Copy extension/instancecustomer/translations/lt_LT to your language. E.g de_DE
b. And just translate, same applies to instance extension.

12. I have made manager/client extension translations and they are not visible?
In client/lhc_web you have to execute to clear cache
cd /var/www/client/lhc_web && php cron.php -s site_admin -c cron/util/clear_cache
In manager you can just click clear cache.

13. Quick execution workflow to update all the stuff
cd /var/www/manager/
git pull origin master
cd ../client/
git pull origin master
cd /var/www/manager/lhc_web && php cron.php -s site_admin -e instance -c cron/update_instances

14. How do i remove meta tag (in case you have also bought this)?
Just edit

15. How do i remove copyright tag in manager?
By default copyright meta tag is removed only in client interface, to remove it in manager interface just copy these files from instanceclientextension
to the same exact location only in instance extension

16. What's the best way to change some default new instance attributes?
If you see that there is some default attributes which you would like to change. Let say enable one or another feature by default best way is just edit default database template instance.

17. How do I restart nodejshelper service (CentOS)?
systemctl restart nodejshelper.service

18. How do I disable/enable nodejshelper service/extension?
to disable startup and remove it from client extension
systemctl disable nodejshelper.service
and just edit
/var/www/client/lhc_web/settings/settings.ini.php and delete
'nodejshelper' line from 'extensions' array
Clear cache after that
cd /var/www/client/lhc_web && php cron.php -s site_admin -c cron/util/clear_cache

Support project

Developing application takes a lot of time. You can support application by donating. There is no company behind this application and it takes away my free time. Every donation matters and does not matter how small it is!

Paypal, one time donation
Monthly donation

USDT (Ethereum network)