Browse offers tutorial

Last modification: 2014-05-18 09:37:39

This module allows to have very flexible popups depending on various criterius.

Here is configuration window for single popup window.

Fields explain

  1. "Name for personal purposes *" - title says it all - required
  2. "Language, leave empty for all. E.g lit, rus, ger etc..." - to what language/site access this popup should be shown - optional
  3. "Time on site on single page in seconds" - how many seconds user has to spend on single page to active this popup. - optional
  4. "Priority, the lower the higher" - if two popups matches the popup with lower value will take a priority
  5. "Popup width" - each popup can have it's own dimesion, if zero is left, embed code size are used.
  6. "Popup height" - each popup can have it's own dimesion, if zero is left, embed code size are used.
  7. "Measure units" - each popup can have it's own dimesion, if zero is left, embed code size are used.
  8. "Referrer domain without www, E.g google keyword will match any of google domain" - you can apply popups based on referrer. So just enter google if you want to show popup for visitors who came from google
  9. "URL, enter * at the end for the wildcard" - you can have popyp for specific pages. E.g /user/* show popup for all urls where beginin is /user
  10. "Custom iframe URL, takes priority over default content" - if you want that content would be loaded from specific url, let say your system. You can provide iframe url. It will take priority over "Default popup content"
  11. "Default popup content" - this field holds a html code, so you can paste html there. E.g youtube videos iframes and so on. By default html is rendered directly without iframe. So it heritages your site styles
  12. "Callback content, must be valid json"
    1. This is callback argument for your callback function. At the moment we have two callbacks
      1. openCallback
      2. closeCallback
    2. Usage example

      <script type="text/javascript">
      var LHCBROWSEOFFEROptions = {};
      LHCBROWSEOFFEROptions.openCallback = function(params) {
      LHCBROWSEOFFEROptions.closeCallback = function(params) {
      (function() {
      var po = document.createElement('script'); po.type = 'text/javascript'; po.async = true;
      var refferer = (document.referrer) ? encodeURIComponent(document.referrer) : '';
      var location  = (document.location) ? encodeURIComponent(document.location) : '';
      po.src = '//'+refferer+'&l='+location;
      var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s);

  13. "Load content in lhc iframe" - if this checknox is checked, popyp content will be rendered in iframe using live helper chat default styles.
  14. "Active" - not mutch to say here.
  15. "Identifier, for what identifier this message should be shown, leave empty for all" - you can have separte popup for different identifiers. Usefull if different sites can have different popups.

Embed code window

Fields explain

  1. Popup width - it can be either precentage value or pixels value. If you choose percents do not have it more than 100, like it will be 100% percents, in general I recommend to have it aroud 70 - 80 if you use percents.
  2. Popup height - height is used only then iframe is embeded
  3. Identifier - use identifier to separte popups for different sites
  4. Show overlay - should we show grey overlay?
  5. Show different offers for the same user - if user once saw a popyp layer, should for him be shown another site part popup?
  6. "Choose language" - nothing to say there
  7. Choose prefered http mode - nothing to say there

General use cases

  • Provide your company introduction just as soon visitor comes to site.
  • Represent various sites sections and provide different popyps for different site parts
  • Track user attention with discount codes after he spends some time on single page. E.g checkout.
  • Alert user about new stuff on your site. Or just provide iframe with contetn to newsletter registration and so on.
  • Announce important site news

So basically it's just a few ideas.

How should look like content if my content should hide or hide and show chat widget?

<img src="/images/polywood-furniture.png" alt="Polywood Furniture Sales Event" width="398" height="245" border="0" usemap="#Map">
<map name="Map">
  <area shape="rect" coords="208,184,388,235" ref="nofollow" href="#" title="Close" onclick="lhc_BrowseOffer.hide();">
  <area shape="rect" coords="5,181,192,236" href="#" onclick="lhc_BrowseOffer.hide();return lh_inst.lh_openchatWindow()">

Have you seen a popup then you came to this article after 10 seconds?

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