In progress..
To work with this module we need to know our secret export hash. This can be found at
General notices
- By default is returned JSON format.
- status filter is optional. If skipped no status filtering is executed.
- format is optional. If skipped json is returned.
- by default getlist returns last 100 chats's id.
- Regarding returned data format just experiment and you will see structure by yourself.
Location of secret export hash
Configuration -> Chat configuration -> Chats export secret hash (Just copy this value). We will need it executing our requests. Let say that in this tutorial our secret hash is "my_secret_hash"
Available chat statuses
- What is available chat statuses.
- const STATUS_PENDING_CHAT = 0; // 0 for pending chats
- const STATUS_ACTIVE_CHAT = 1; // 1 for active chats
- const STATUS_CLOSED_CHAT = 2; // 2 for closed chats list
- const STATUS_CHATBOX_CHAT = 3; // 3 for chatbox type chats
- const STATUS_OPERATORS_CHAT = 4; // 4 for chats between operators
Getting number of chats
To get number of chats we have tu make request to this url<?php echo sha1('getcount'.'my_secret_hash')?>/(status)/2/(format)/xml
- status is optional. If skipped no status filtering is executed.
- this time we want for system to return XML format.
- This request purpose is to get number of chats. And this request result can be used to indicate how many request we may have to execute to get all chats.
Getting list of chats
To get lsit of chats id's we have tu make request to this url<?php echo sha1('getlist'.'my_secret_hash')?>/(status)/2/(format)/xml/(limit)/50/(page)/2
- status is optional. If skipped no status filtering is executed.
- this time we want for system to return XML format.
- This request purpose is to get chat's id.
- limit - how many id's return. Offset in pages. If page is 2 that means that offset is 50.
Getting chat information
To get number of chats we have tu make request to this url<?php echo sha1('getchat'.'my_secret_hash')?>/<?php echo $chat_id?>/(format)/xml
- First argument is hash
- Second argument is chat_id
- This time we want for system to return XML format.
Have fun.
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