Drupal and live helper chat integration

Last modification: 2014-09-07 04:14:58

One of the community users has posted tutorial how to integrate drupal and live helper chat. Here is short summary

  • Find out what theme your using.  Do this by logging into Drupal as an admin and clicking on Appearance.  I found out I was using the Bartik theme
  • Go to the themes directory.  In my case I am on centos 6.5 so I did cd <root web dir>/themes/bartik
  • Create a js directory: mkdir js; chown apache.apache js; chmod 755 js
  • Change to the js directory you just created: cd js
  • Get the embed code from your live helper chat install under system configuration -> Embed Code -> Live help embed code -> Widget Embed Code
  • Create a javascript file that looks like  this
  • Set permissions and ownership correctly: chown apache.apache lhc.js; chmod 644 lhc.js
  • Change directories to one directory up: cd ..
  • Add the following to bartik.info: scripts[] = js/lhc.js
  • Flush the cache of drupal: Configuration -> Performance -> clear all caches
  • Refresh the page!

For other notices read full user blog post - http://www.graysonconsulting.biz/?q=node/3

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