FAQ module

Last modification: 2014-02-22 10:17:59

FAQ module allows users ask their questions and see answers relevant to their location in your page.

Module features

  • Questions based on user location
  • Option to let users ask their questions
  • Different positions in page
  • Identifier for catalogization

Embed code custom URL

This will allow you to define your own URL/Sections for FAQ module.

<script type="text/javascript">
var LHCFAQOptions = {status_text:'FAQ',url:'replace_me_with_dynamic_url',identifier:'eng'};
(function() {
var po = document.createElement('script'); po.type = 'text/javascript'; po.async = true;
po.src = 'http://demo.livehelperchat.com/index.php/faq/getstatus/(position)/bottom_right/(top)/450/(units)/pixels';
var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s);

Practical use case can be, that you want show questions based on your intral page structure. So you can define your own sections. Eg:. 

  1. /shop
  2. /basket
  3. /user

Identifier can be used to split questions by languages or any other required argument. Let say you want that japanese language would have different questions so you just enter jap in identifier and while creating FAQ questions enter faq in identifier.

So FAQ widget won't pay attention to original user location but will use provided argument value.


If you lick in frontpage this question icon. You will see only one question, but if you click in documentation you will see two, first one will be relevant to user location and another one general, because it does not have any URL assigned. This way you can be sure you give users relevant questions based on their locations.

Support project

Developing application takes a lot of time. You can support application by donating. There is no company behind this application and it takes away my free time. Every donation matters and does not matter how small it is!

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