First partnership with Lithuanian company

Last modification: 2013-12-10 18:11:04

So I and my good friend have established first commercial version for all who wants commercial support.

If you ask what's a difference between version you can download from github and the one i use for hosting. Actually there is NONE except I have written extension which handles automated hosting part, creating database, handling limitation etc. But all was done using extensions without changing a single core file. So you have enough knowledge you can do all that also!

If you ask me what this means for community?

Community version will be always for me the priority and you can always download it from github as you do now. So basically what you see in commercial version you can have it for free just by downloading and installing it on your server and do not depend on any service providers.

So be free, be independent!!!

Support project

Developing application takes a lot of time. You can support application by donating. There is no company behind this application and it takes away my free time. Every donation matters and does not matter how small it is!

Paypal, one time donation
Monthly donation