Going real time and other plans in a few next days

Last modification: 2014-09-24 19:16:13

So I have been working hard to implement few more nice features

  • NodeJS + Redis will be let us to eliminate admin interface sync calls. Basically it's an ajax call executed every 10 seconds. So for each opertator it's 6 calls every minute. If there is let say three operators it will let to save 18 calls every minute or 1000 ajax calls every hour and if work day is 8h it will let to save 8000 ajax request. It will be added into cloud hosting offer in a few days. This update is already available at github https://github.com/LiveHelperChat/NodeJS-Helper I have nothing to hide from you :)
  • SSL will be added to whole livehelperchat.com project in a few days including cloud hosting offer. Just to little hours in a day to do all the stuff.
  • If anyone is interesting in automated hosting plugin see this forum thread http://forum.livehelperchat.com/viewtopic.php?id=686
  • Future plans would include eliminating calls for online visitors list and somehow checkmessage from operator calls in front end site. But really not sure then.

Goodluck and happy hacking :)

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