New version 1.52v auto responder.

Last modification: 2013-09-24 04:18:03


Features, sponsored release:

Auto responder.

  1. Auto responder in proactive chat invitations.
  2. Independent responder.

This allows you to have the following workflow.

  1. Then users starts chat. He receives preconfigured message. E.g. "one moment please..."
  2. If the agent doesn’t accept within a time period (e.g. 1 minute) to user is send message. "we are currenty busy with another client right now, can you leave your name and email and we will follow up"

execute doc/update_db/update_35.sql and follow standard upgrade instructions

Demo also was updated. So now then you start chat you will receive a message "Just a moment." if during 30 seconds no one accepts chats. You will receive a message with request to leave an e-mail and phone number etc.

Cool, isn't it?

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