New version - 1.69v drag & drop, xmpp group messages, index php remove, updated december 1

Last modification: 2013-12-02 17:12:22



  1. Drag & Drop support for widgets, you can drag site widgets dragging it's header.
  2. Department has two separate fields one for E-Mail recipients another one for XMPP recipients. In relation to:
  3. Department also now has field for XMPP Group recipients. There can be something as
  4. User also has a field xmpp username, if this field is different then user account e-mail during link clicking this field will be matched to department xmpp recipient and user will be authorised instantly.
  5. So full flexibility to have different e-mail for system itself and different account for XMPP service providers.
  6. You can now set how long chat accept link is valid. This can be found in chat configuration section.
  7. Upon chat accept link click if link is invalid, user will be redirected to login page and if he is using remember me functionality he will be logged automatically and will see chat window instantly.
  8. Accept link generation supports now http and https.
  9. Option remove index.php from URL's
  10. I have just added minimize option. (December 1 update)

Based on


  1. Disable posibility to choose to what department transfer chat if chosen department is self.


  1. Skype input field was missing in a new user window.

For update

execute doc/update_db/update_51.sql for update

Add in your site settings/settings.ini.php under 
'installed' => true,

'force_virtual_host' => false,

True will remove index.php from url, also you will have to use .htaccess/nginx conf provided in doc/http_conf_examples
For this to work app has to be installed on root folder, it can be either domain or subdomain.

And don't forget standard upgrade instructions

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