New version 2.23v bootstrap 3!

Last modification: 2015-02-15 19:30:18


It took 2 days to rewrite everything on Bootstrap. But with this rewrite you will be able to change back office theme pretty eassy.

In any case here is changelog:

  1. Integrated webpack, bower, gulp and other fancy stuff.
  2. LHC was migrated to Bootstrap v3.3.2. I had tough choise decing stay with Foundation or use Bootstrap, but for systems Bootstrap just is more nicer.
  3. A lot of code rewrite, CSS cleanup and so on.

Here is small tutorial how you can change back office theme. If you have created a cool LHC back office theme please share it with community! Also if anyone is a bootstrap master and sees where LHC back office theme can be improved, pull request are more than welcome. Now it's your time to do the job!

This time there is no database update required. I would be very thankfull if our demo would be tested :)

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