Upcoming changes, bootstrap and others...

Last modification: 2015-02-13 22:13:46

Just wanted to let you know about few upcomming changes or in other words it's LHC milestone for this year

  1. Migration to Bootstrap 3, if there will be new Bootstrap version we will migrate to it also
  2. Package dependencies maintenence with Gulp, Webpack, Bower
  3. Javascript core rewrite using React and drop AngularJS
  4. Add more inline documentation to code itself.

If anyone is willing to help me with task 1, there is already branch in github where I make all migration https://github.com/LiveHelperChat/livehelperchat/tree/bootstrap or if anyone just interested in bootstrap branch can monitor it's commits. This branch is not ready in any case for production, there is still a lot of parts which needs to be migrated to bootstrap. Migration is done to default bootstrap theme without any additional bootstrap overrides so users will be able to switch bootstrap default theme to any they want without any issues that they will break something.

So that's all for this time.

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