List of features

Last modification: 2015-02-21 20:11:28

Live helper chat main features. I promiss I missed some :D. There is so many features now it's hard to name them all. But we are the most flexible/feature rich open source Live Support System. So your searches are over.

  • Multiple chats same time
  • XMPP support (IPhone, IPad, IPod, Android, Blackberry, GTalk) basically any device who supports XMPP messages.
  • See what users are typing before they send a message.
  • Multiple operators
  • Send delayed canned messages as it was real user typing
  • Chats archive
  • Priority queue
  • Chats statistic generation, top chats
  • Resume chat after user closed chat
  • All chats in single window with tabs interface, tabs are remembered before they are closed
  • Chat transcript print
  • Chat transcript send by mail
  • Site widget
  • Page embed mode for live support script or widget mode, or standard mode.
  • Multilanguage
  • Chats transfering
  • Departments
  • Files upload
  • Option to take website screenshot see what user see
  • Chat search
  • Automatic transfers between departments
  • Option to generate JS for different departments
  • Option to prefill form fields. 
  • Option to add custom form fields. It can be either user variables or hidden fields. Usefull if you are integrating with third party system and want to pass user_id for example.
  • Cronjobs
  • Callbacks
    • Closed chat callback
    • Unanswered chat callback
  • Asynchronous status loading, not blocking site javascript.
  • XML, JSON export module
  • Option to send transcript to users e-mail
  • SMTP support
  • HTTPS support
  • No third parties cookies dependency
  • Previous users chats
  • Online users tracking, including geo detection
  • GEO detection using three different sources
  • Option to configure start chat fields
  • Sounds on pending chats and new messages
  • Google chrome/Firefox notifications on pending messages.
  • Google chrome/Firefox notifications for new messages.
  • Browser title blinking then there is pending message.
  • Option to limit pro active chat invitation messages based on pending chats.
  • Option to configure frequency for pro active chat invitation message. You can set after how many hours for the same user invitation message should be shown again.
  • Users blocking
  • Posibility to integrate with google analytics event's tracking
  • Top performance with enabled cache
  • Windows, Linux and Mac native applications.
  • Advanced embed code generation with numerous options of includable code.
  • Template override system
  • Module override system
  • Support for custom extensions
  • Changeable footer and header content
  • Option to send messges to anonymous site visitors,
  • Canned messages
  • Informing then operator or user is typing.
  • Option to see what user is typing before he sends a message
  • Canned messages for desktop client
  • Voting module
  • FAQ module
  • Online users map
  • Pro active chat invitatio
  • Remember me functionality
  • Total pageviews tracking
  • Total pageviews including previous visits tracking
  • Visits tracking, how many times user has been on your page.
  • Time spent on site
  • Auto responder
  • BB Code support. Links recognition. Smiles and few other hidden features :)
  • First user visit tracking
  • Option for customers mute sounds 
  • Option for operators mute messages sounds and new pending chat's sound.
  • Option to monitor online operators.
  • Option to have different pro active messages for different domains. This can be archieved using different identifiers.
  • Dekstop client supports HTTPS
  • Protection against spammers using advanced captcha technique without requiring users to enter any captcha code.
  • Option for operator set online or offline mode.
  • Co-Browsing
  • Automatic translations (Bing or Google)
  • Desktop client for
    • Windows
    • Linux 
    • Mac
  • Flexible permission system:
    • Roles
    • Groups
    • Users
  • Powered by

For full list of features see documentation section.

Support project

Developing application takes a lot of time. You can support application by donating. There is no company behind this application and it takes away my free time. Every donation matters and does not matter how small it is!

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