execute doc/update_db/update_67.sql for update and follow standard upgrade tutorial.
Isn't that sneaky taking screenshot what user sees while he browse your site?
1. Option to take user screenshot. Used http://html2canvas.hertzen.com/
2. Option to have BCC recipient in e-mail templates https://github.com/remdex/livehelperchat/issues/282
1. Changed escape to encodeURIComponent https://github.com/remdex/livehelperchat/issues/288
execute doc/update_db/update_66.sql for update and follow standard upgrade tutorial.
This screenshot feature is a killer one. Let's imagine your visitor using some system and do not know what's wrong with his entered data somewhere. Let say checkout page. Now you can just take screenshot of his browser and see what he has entered at the moment. He does not have to install anything at all, actually he even does not know you have taken screenshot. Just amazing :)
Read more for a screenshot example
edit your settings/settings.ini.php file and under 'force_virtual_host' => false,
'date_format' => 'Y-m-d',
'date_hour_format' => 'H:i:s',
'date_date_hour_format' => 'Y-m-d H:i:s',
No database update this time. So just follow standard upgrade tutorial.
Yesterday I have enabled Bountysource for live helper chat github repository. And purpose of all of this is
In other words it's just another way to support a project. And backed issues will be done the very first.
In short, you asked you got it.
execute doc/update_db/update_65.sql for update and follow standard upgrade tutorial.
At this release I would like all users to pay attention at 3 item. Previously then user closed a chat without operator reply the only way to contact to user was send him an e-mail or just home that user will resume a chat. Now if you just write a message back to chat. To user will be shown chat widget again. If you are using pro active invitations checks, user even won't have to make a page refresh.
P.s don't forget to danate :)