2014-02-10 18:17:54
New version - 1.86v enhancements
- Option to set date format. Three new fields in Settings => Time zone settings section. This is available per install and not per individual user.
- PHP-GeoIP extension support.
- {nick} support in canned messages.
edit your settings/settings.ini.php file and under 'force_virtual_host' => false,
'date_format' => 'Y-m-d',
'date_hour_format' => 'H:i:s',
'date_date_hour_format' => 'Y-m-d H:i:s',
No database update this time. So just follow standard upgrade tutorial.
2014-02-08 11:28:51
Live Helper Chat on Bountysource
Yesterday I have enabled Bountysource for live helper chat github repository. And purpose of all of this is
- You can create an issue and back it. Let say you want some feature and want to prioritize it so you can do that. You create an issue and then on Bountysource support it's development.
- Prioritize issues
- Only then issue is merged into master branch bounty can be collected.
In other words it's just another way to support a project. And backed issues will be done the very first.
2014-02-06 18:33:56
New version - 1.85v enhancements
In short, you asked you got it.
- Canned messages by department
- Personal canned messages. To operators role have to be assigned "Users" => "Allow user to have personal canned messages"
- Now then user closes a chat and operator sends a message to user, chat widget will reopen at site.
- Option to hide default form fields. These fields can be prefilled but they won't be visible by user.
- Option to specify max mind city database file.
execute doc/update_db/update_65.sql for update and follow standard upgrade tutorial.
At this release I would like all users to pay attention at 3 item. Previously then user closed a chat without operator reply the only way to contact to user was send him an e-mail or just home that user will resume a chat. Now if you just write a message back to chat. To user will be shown chat widget again. If you are using pro active invitations checks, user even won't have to make a page refresh.
P.s don't forget to danate :)
2014-02-02 08:22:34
New version - 1.84v revote timeout, update information window
- Option to set revote timeout, contributed by David Livingston. I just did some cleanup.
- Window about running version. Like installation version and current version and pending database updates.
execute doc/update_db/update_64.sql for update and follow standard upgrade tutorial.
2014-01-26 19:16:13
New version - 1.83v even more users requested features
- Option to have custom timezone per application and per user. Users can change their time zone in their account.
- Application time zone can be changed in new configuration link. If no timezone is set in user or application it depends on server.
- File usability enchancements based on https://github.com/remdex/livehelperchat/issues/246
execute doc/update_db/update_63.sql for update and follow standard upgrade tutorial.
I have added one more setting in settings/settings.ini.php file
Edit your settings/settings.ini.php file and under 'force_virtual_host' => false,
add 'time_zone' => '',