2013-10-06 10:32:13
Small update regarding desktop client, can anyone compile desktop client for Mac?
Small update not requiring database update.
- Now in desktop client you can set online or offline mode.
- Changed desktop client icon to new logo.
- Changed desktop client sound to web app sound.
For online/offline option to work you have to update desktop client and web app.
Perhaps anyone can compile desktop client for Mac and send me binnaries like we currently have?
2013-10-06 08:58:58
New site and new logo
So as you have seen we have brand new logo and new design. Big thanks goes to.
http://coral.lt/ - they made design for this site. This design which you see here is not yet 100% completed, but you got an idea. :)
http://hybridservers.com/ - they made a brand new logo.
Let me know in the comments what you think about new site and new logo?
2013-10-05 13:08:57
New version - 1.57v few new features
You asked it, you got it:
- Option to configure default map position.
- Departments transfer workflow will pay attention to how many pending chat's there are.
- Firefox support for notifications added.
- Desktop client will support user typing messages. User status will be shown.
execute doc/update_db/update_40.sql and follow standard upgrade instructions
Desktop client and demo was updated.
2013-09-30 15:27:17
New version - 1.56v automatic transfers between departments, cronjobs support
After upgrade for third parties cookies dependency drop, identifier functionality was lost.
execute doc/update_db/update_39.sql and follow standard upgrade instructions
2013-09-28 20:26:46
New version - 1.55v some useful new features
- Total pageviews tracking - pageviews during all the visits
- Visits counting.
- Total time on site - includes previous visits
- Option to set, after how many hours pro active chat message should be shown again.
- Previous users chats in chat tab window.
- How many times proactive chat message logic was applied counter.
- User browsing information in chat window.
- Colors for install step 1
- Footpath was stopped tracking if user was having a chat in a chatwidget.
- Online users were tracked even if online users tracking was disabled.
- There was a bug which coused double time for online user if checking for messages from operator was enabled. Also now we do not update database within each check for message.
You will find few candy screenshots in full news articles.
execute doc/update_db/update_38.sql and follow standard upgrade instructions