2018-08-01 11:16:16
3.03 proactive chat invitations conversion tracking
- Proactive chats A/B testing with campaign feature
- Proactive chat efficiency tracking statistic. To track conversion rate.
For update just follow standard update procedure For manual update it's update_178.sql
2018-07-26 11:59:57
3.02 filter by invitation
- Chat lists will include proactive invitation filtering options
- Statistic windows also will include invitation filtering options
For update just follow standard update procedure For manual update it's update_177.sql
2018-07-24 09:57:22
3.01 Auto assign improvements
- Auto assign enhancement. It can try to assign chats matching operators languages first. It can be per department enable/disabled
- Auto refresh window for operators then version is updated. Usefull if you have ten's of operators working.
For update just follow standard update procedure For manual update it's update_176.sql
2018-07-22 16:19:23
3.00 Various small enhancements
Hi all,
- Various bot enhancements. Attribute element.
- Option to setup automatic chat closing for active/pending/bot chats. Responsible 'cron php cron.php -s site_admin -c cron/workflow'
- Additional data attribute included in XLS export
- Auto responder can send bot custom message.
- Video type for bot
- Allow to see generated bot syntax from bot builder interface
- Option to have auto uppercase sentences in operator interface.
- Rest api enhancements
- Option to set how long chat can be opened after he was closed.
- Show correct online status on widget minimization.
For update just follow standard update procedure For manual update it's update_175.sql
2018-07-05 17:49:40
2.99 Performance improvements and many other small changes
- Fix - new themes could not be saved.
- Updated GEO ip detection section. Freegeoip was retired by owner.
- Bot enhancements and subscription integration.
- Auto responder can take bot trigger and send's it's meta data as additional data within message. Usefull if you want to show visitor Subscribe button while visitor is waiting.
- Performance improvements refactoring lh_chat table indexes.
- Clicking subscribe button will show message in user messages window.
- Updating user statistic in high load environment causes table locks. Added retry to that part.
- Option to set referrer in google translations service integration. P.s I really need somehow find time document bot properly. So much now with it can be done...
If after update you won't see unread messages and closed chats widgets and you really need them. You will have to active them in Chat configuration section.
For update just follow standard update procedure For manual update it's update_174.sql
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