2018-02-25 13:54:01
New version 2.89v - mobile design improvements
- Option to have persistent files. So they won't be deleted during files maintenance procedure.
- More slick mobile layout.
- Various other fixes on mobile layout and consistency improvements.
For update just follow standard update procedure For manual update it's update_164.sql
P.s Automated hosting also was updated. You can find screenshot of mobile layout in full article.
2018-02-16 13:05:07
New version 2.88v - chat duration calculation improvements
- Chat now have chat start time, it's different time than chat creation time. It may be different if chat is closed and later reopened by visitor. This situation can happen also with telegram chats and facebook chats. This change will allow us to have correct chat wait time based on time then chat became pending.
- Changed chat duration algorithm. Now chat duration will be based not on first and last message times. But on intervals between messages. You can also set timeouts. there will be option to set two timeouts. In chat configuration -> Misc. At the bottom.
- Timeout how long visitor can wait for a operator message before time between messages are exclude.
- Timeout how long operator can wait for a visitor message before time between messages are exclude.
- More emoji conversion from text. Supported are :), :D:, :D, :(, :o:, :o, :p:, :p, ;), ;(, :x, :*, ;*, :/
- Fixed duplicate messages on window focus. Seems in rare cases then window was focused customer could receive same message twice if there was any pending message from operator.
- There is new chart in statistic secion which tells average chat's per hour. Previously it just summarized total number of chats per hour. Now it divides this number by chosen interval to have average.
For update just follow standard update procedure For manual update it's update_163.sql
P.s Automated hosting also was updatd :)
2018-02-14 10:44:29
New version 2.87v - Chat subjects
- Subjects for chats.
- Standard widget/Proactive invitation will be submitted using XHR request. This will avoid record in browser history.
- FAQ, Questionry, Chatbox widget improvement toa void error in "messages"
- Emoji icons for chats.
- Search in chat list by user group or department group.
- Statistic by week.
- Sync offline/online icon in cross window environment. Child window will detect activity and report to parent window to avoid false positive for inactivity.
- Footprint cleanup algorithm change for high load environment.
- Bigger font size on mobile devices so scaling of widget won't be triggered.
- Search by subject is not yet supported will be added in the upcoming releases.
For update just follow standard update procedure For manual update it's update_162.sql
2018-02-05 07:15:58
New version 2.86v - read only departments
- Option to allow read only chats. In user account editing window you can choose what type of assignment it should be. Read only or write also.
- https://github.com/LiveHelperChat/livehelperchat/issues/1175
- https://github.com/LiveHelperChat/livehelperchat/issues/1174
For update just follow standard update procedure For manual update it's update_161.sql
2018-02-01 05:42:10
New version 2.85v - updated to utf8mb4 encoding
Live Helper Chat was migrated to utf8mb4 this will allow to store us emoji icons. Also these changes are related to telegram and facebook extensions. These two extensions also were updated to support
utf8mb4 encoding.
For update just follow standard update procedure For manual update it's update_160.sql