2014-12-06 16:14:08
Few frontend usability updates
Just wanted to share few usability updates I did today. They are small but nice
- Now then to visitor is shown pro active invitation, there will be some delay before widget appears to visitor. While this delay is in effect iframe content will be preloaded in the background. So to visitor it will appear that chat widget appeared instantly. (Visitor won't see this spinning circle)
- Above technique also applies to chat widget then user is chating. So while user is browsing your page, widget will appear about 1 later than page loads, but meanwhile iframe content will be loaded in the background and to we get effect of widget appearing instantly.
- Visitor still will see this circle then he manually clicks on status widget.
This update does not require any database update. Here is realted githut commit
2014-11-30 14:23:30
New version 2.14v
This release is maintenence release with few enhancements
- Option to pass identifier to forms module (E.g ?identifier=node_15). It can be either some specific value or if not provided it will be referer URL.
Also new variable in e-mail template can be used {url_view} it will be link to filled form view instead of download link. https://github.com/LiveHelperChat/livehelperchat/issues/563
- Chat window in browsing information tab will show is user on page still or not. Option "Track is user still on site, chat status checks also has to be enabled" has to be enabled. "On page - <little green man there>"
- Different message will be shown then user starts chat from chat popup instead of chat widget. "User has joined the chat from popup chat window!" Like then user navigates to another window from widget it's shown URL to which he navigated. Then user decides to open popup for chat it will be different message.
- Invitation to chat will also pay attention to additional fields attributes. https://github.com/LiveHelperChat/livehelperchat/issues/540
- Proactive messages retargeting. In returning message field you can enter {nick}, if we will find a previous chat associated with this online user, nick from previous chat will be used if not proactive invitation nick field value will be used. https://github.com/LiveHelperChat/livehelperchat/issues/544
For update just follow standard update procedure For manual update it's update_92.sql
2014-11-21 19:29:34
Project status, Funding goal and other small notices
So wanted to inform about project status. Today have been reached yearly funding goal. Month before official deadline :)
Thank you all!
So if anyone wonders why last month or so there was a little bit less versions release. I just was busy working for my main employer. As soon I find more time, I ques it will take yet a month to finish already started jobs, I will be able again more active develop Live Helper Chat. Meanwhile just enjoy what I have build. Without all community it would be just impossible to do what we did.
Once again thank you all :)
2014-11-12 06:06:23
Time zone bug
Yesterday, 2014-11-11 accidenteally I have introduced a bug which coused live help widget not appear on site. So if you have downloaded LHC between 2014-11-12 please make sure you have updated your lhc instance now and live help widget will appear.
It was a bold move from my side try to make some fixes after 24h hours of trip. In any case these fixes I have done they fixes user message time for frontend visitor. It was Daylight saving issues...
Cheers and sorry one more time :)
2014-09-27 11:14:07
New version 2.13v
This realease is maintenence release with a lot of small changes.
- Updated xml module to return unread chats list also
- More events for NodeJs extension
- Changed autoload mechanism to be compatible with third party autoloads. Replace index.php file
- XML module was missing some callbacks which are present in web interface
- A lot of small updates to be compatible with newest NodeJs extension version.
- Enhancement https://github.com/LiveHelperChat/livehelperchat/issues/511
- If user navigated to another page sometimes user was shown as offline, even if user was online.
- Not required interface sync was removed in popup window.
- Cache for emoji icons https://github.com/LiveHelperChat/livehelperchat/issues/503
- Sound for unread messages will be played https://github.com/LiveHelperChat/livehelperchat/issues/505
There is no database update in this release.