2014-09-26 21:46:57
Desktop client updated
I have just updated Desktop client. From now it will have one more tab, Unread chats. Also notifications for unread chats will be shown. So never miss a chat :) Demo also was updated with this function. So just download desktop client from Demo page.
Anyone want's to compile desktop client for Mac?
2014-09-26 16:29:29
NodeJS extension enhancements
Today I have made one fancy feature for NodeJs extension. Basically it's fail over for NodeJs extension. It works the following way
- If chat detects that he cannot connect to NodeJs it will fallback to standard ajax queries.
- If chat detects that he connected to NodeJs it will migrate to Websocket automatically by itself.
- Above scenario can happend during chat as many times as needed. You can just stop NodeJs and you will see that ajax queries will start appear. Once you run it again, ajax queries will be gone again.
- So basically you can have running NodeJs without afraid that it will stop working because LHC will work as working just with AJAX queries instead.
- This all work was inspired by this Github issue
This feature is already live in automated hosting and also you can find all changes on github.
2014-09-25 17:02:18
SSL everywhere, automated Hosting update, NodeJS+Redis
So yesterday I wrote that I will bring SSL support for cloud hosting and I did it!
- From now all the project parts will have SSL support.
- Automated hosting trial period was extended to 14 days insted of 2, so you will have more time to play around.
- Automated hosting was updated to recent version of NodeJS helper extension version. Now it uses redis as notifications handler. This allows us to eliminate administration sync callback. Also chrome extension won't use callback and just will use websockets.
Have fun!
2014-09-24 19:11:07
Going real time and other plans in a few next days
So I have been working hard to implement few more nice features
- NodeJS + Redis will be let us to eliminate admin interface sync calls. Basically it's an ajax call executed every 10 seconds. So for each opertator it's 6 calls every minute. If there is let say three operators it will let to save 18 calls every minute or 1000 ajax calls every hour and if work day is 8h it will let to save 8000 ajax request. It will be added into cloud hosting offer in a few days. This update is already available at github https://github.com/LiveHelperChat/NodeJS-Helper I have nothing to hide from you :)
- SSL will be added to whole livehelperchat.com project in a few days including cloud hosting offer. Just to little hours in a day to do all the stuff.
- If anyone is interesting in automated hosting plugin see this forum thread http://forum.livehelperchat.com/viewtopic.php?id=686
- Future plans would include eliminating calls for online visitors list and somehow checkmessage from operator calls in front end site. But really not sure then.
Goodluck and happy hacking :)
2014-09-20 18:39:27
Cloud hosting of Live Helper Chat
Just wanted to let you know that during one day I did something amazing.
- I have integrated invoices, paypal, and prepared http://livehelperchat.com/order/now for all who wants to have a personal demo of Live Helper Chat or just want that I hosted their Live Helper Chat.
- This hosting was done with Automated Hosting plugin. New version is coming in a few next days with paypal and invoices stuff. Just like my hosting enviroment. I just need to cleanup code. So everything you find here is 100% open source and you can make yourself everything.
So now if you want to support Live Helper Chat you can either donate as many of you did, or you can just order hosting plan.
Goodluck stay tooned for automated hosting plugin updates :)