Just commited Polish language. Say big thanks to poliman.pl.
Bye :)
Read more for screenshot
Basically this was neccesary of some bugs I have encountered. This will allow me to make some design changes. If you notice some issues let me know and I fix them. Please don't forget to promote this amazing APP to your friends. In demo you should not see many except few changes which came from foundation itself.
Bug fixes:
execute doc/update_db/update_26.sql and follow standard upgrade instructions
Demo also was updated. Demo now has two scenarious then this page will show message to user. If user opens more than 5 pages or spends more than 5 minits on site. If you use this superb product for commercial purposes please don't forget to donate :) You can also send me testimonial and I will add it. New I ques we have almoust all features many commercial solutions has and the main thing we are free and open source.
P.s Do not expect new version tomorrow :D
This time some new version with these features:
execute doc/update_db/update_25.sql and follow standard upgrade instructions
Demo also was updated. So have a good weekend! it was realy exhausting week...