2013-04-11 19:14:26
Upcoming FAQ module, some teaser ;)
Just thought it would be interesting to see how FAQ widget module will look like on frontend

This module will feature
- Questions based on URL, only relevant questions to user page will be shown
- Option for users to ask their questions
2013-04-08 16:19:28
New version 1.28v
Feature release:
- Even more smarter way to check for new messages. Avoids query to messages table and first check that user last message id is lower than chat last message id.
- It's better to add one query on message add than execute each time two queries.
- Override CSS created in custom theme folders.
- Different positions for main live helper widget.
- Small other changes, HTML some cleanup, and debug output movement from main footer.
- Number of transfered chats will be shown also in transfer tab.
- Close dialog, Close chat, Delete stopped working after I introduced new algorithm for checking messages. This is fixed.
execute doc/update_db/update_19.sql and follow standard upgrade instructions
2013-04-06 21:05:33
Please, customize web application by overriding templates, images, css.
Just thought it would be usefull to remind all that.
Each time you are modifying original files you are losing upgrade capabilities. Live Helper Chat is very flexible and allows to change almoust everything without changing kernel.
If you have any question use google group or just leave a comment :)
2013-04-03 20:33:26
Small update
Just pushed small update on github master branch which fixes some stability issues then user or operator is typing very fast and sending messages. There was posibility of duplicates messsages. So no more duplicate messages it should be rock solid now. So as promised - I will fix every bug as fast as I can and ofcourse I can reproduce.
Don't foget to give g+ or rate this app in hotscripts or make small donation. If anyone will notice any other issues let me know :)
Cheers :)
2013-04-02 18:02:28
New version 1.27v
This time new features related release:
- Voting questionary module
- Windows for managing votes
- Widget for receiving user votes
- Option to configure voting
- Voting placement in window
- Right middle
- Left middle
- Bottom right
- Bottom left
- URL address on which particualar question should shown
- Tracking should be done by IP, one voting by one IP
- User should be able to expand and collapse box from widget
- Three new positions for live helper chat main widget
- Right middle
- Bottom left
- Left middle
Feel free to report any issues. Demo also was updated. So we are going to kill all commercial projects peace by peace and make one of the best Live Support available for free.