Glad to announce new version. Here is new features
execute doc/update_db/update_24.sql and follow standard upgrade instructions
Demo also was updated.
I just got Arabic translations and pushed live in master branch. These translations were provided by Vision Advanced Systems co. So we have first RTL language.
Small feature for live helper chat. Now we support Chrome desktop notification API. Please see demo version. In order to see notifications about new chats you have chat grant permission to show notifications. This can be done at
Settings -> New chat notification settings
At the moment these notifications is supported only in Chrome and Safari 6, but they a comming to firefox also.
Here is screenshot how it should look like:
Glad to announce new version. Here is new features and plain changelog
execute doc/update_db/update_23.sql and follow standard upgrade instructions
Demo also was updated.
This version brings chatbox/shoutbox module. It's module which can be used separate from whole app just like FAQ or Questionary module.
Here is direct embed widget example.
execute doc/update_db/update_22.sql and follow standard upgrade instructions