2013-07-12 17:55:03
New version 1.37v, online users with google map!
This time some new version with these features:
- Online users google map https://github.com/remdex/livehelperchat/issues/45
- Install style update
- Statistic module, more updates is coming.
- System assistant messages. They indicate does user left chat etc.
- More stable detection then user closes chat window etc.
- Option to change back office language from back office.
- Department status for embed codes.
execute doc/update_db/update_25.sql and follow standard upgrade instructions
Demo also was updated. So have a good weekend! it was realy exhausting week...
2013-07-09 19:03:28
Google Maps for online users is coming :)
Just teaser screenshot. Read full article to see it :)
2013-07-07 18:05:24
Updates during the weekend
Not sure have you noticed but I have pushed bunch of updates during the weekend which include
- https://github.com/remdex/livehelperchat/issues/53 (change back office language in back office)
- https://github.com/remdex/livehelperchat/issues/46 (status widgets etc. for separate departments)
- https://github.com/remdex/livehelperchat/issues/47 (option to have operator who have access only to transfered chat and nothing else) - this one requires some article how properly do it. But functionality is there.
- https://github.com/remdex/livehelperchat/issues/39 - (statistic global and last 24 hours) partly implemented and live
All this is live in our demo version. P.s we are laging with documentation... Regarding comming new features. If you use Live Helper Chat don't forget to danate.
2013-06-29 13:17:12
New version 1.36v, new language and captcha protection.
Fixes and enhancements:
- Captcha protection - user won't have to enter anything. I have implemented AJAX powered captcha. This worked quite well for my other projects.
- New German language
- Full translations for desktop client
- English grammar fixes.
For update follow standard upgrade instructions.
2013-06-12 19:30:04
New version 1.35v, even more flexibility for overriding css, templates, images
New features:
- CSS, JS, CSS images now can be overrided in extensions.
- Debug output window now will show used CSS and JS including CSS images paths.
- Now you can override also CSS images files.
- Extensions now support css, js, css images etc.
All this was done without any performance loss then cache is enabled.
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