2021-11-28 14:18:51
3.88v - Department and Theme alias support as argument
- Theme alias and Department alias.
- https://doc.livehelperchat.com/docs/department/department#how-to-disable-user-to-change-department
- https://doc.livehelperchat.com/docs/theme/theme/#how-to-avoid-visitors-finding-out-existing-themes
- PHP 8.1 compatibility fixes
These alias features will allow hiding completely existing departments from visitors. They won't see all of them if you make departments argument required and put a string for arguments.
For update just follow standard update procedure For manual update it's update_260.sql
2021-11-23 09:28:10
3.87v - Canned messages activity period && Log action response type for the bot
1. New trigger response type. Log action useful in case you want to store historical chat actions.
2. Canned messages can have an activity period. E.g some messages can be active during Christmas period or just morning hours.
3. Chat export has more prefilled variables.
4. While sending a manual message to an online visitor it's possible to ignore the bot.
5. Online hours operators statistic now has seconds filter.
6. Improved older PHP versions support.
7. PHP-Resque replaceable variables were lost during trigger process events.
8. Hide block by nick if visitor nick is "Visitor"
9. Large inactivity timeout values and custom permission to use them.
10. Region/State detection improvement for chats.
Many other changes all around
For update just follow standard update procedure For manual update it's update_259.sql
2021-10-21 02:40:36
3.86v - Rest API permissions
Rest API from now if it's not an admin account has to have exact permissions to use each Rest API call. Make sure you check these permissions in https://api.livehelperchat.com/
- Rest API access can be restricted only to Rest API keys.
- Rest API keys themself can have IP restrictions
- Bot Rest API call default trigger can execute selected trigger only one action.
- Output parsing in Rest API calls, now can have two conditions.
For update just follow standard update procedure For manual update it's update_258.sql
2021-10-12 13:57:22
3.84v & 3.85v password requirements
Just because lack of time I did not found time to write proper update articles. So now post to cover 3.84v and 3.85v
- There is new event you can fire to trigger google analytics events directly from custom HTML of your widget. https://doc.livehelperchat.com/docs/javascript-arguments#track-custom-event
- Now you can explicitly control what one operator can change in other operator departments. https://doc.livehelperchat.com/docs/users/account-edit
- In password change requirements you can force users to logout after certain period of last login. https://doc.livehelperchat.com/docs/users/password-requirements/
- You can automatically disable operator if from their last login passed X number of days.
- In password requirements you can set bunch of other requirements for the password.
- Read only departments groups https://doc.livehelperchat.com/docs/users/account-edit/
For update just follow standard update procedure For manual update it's update_256.sql & update_257.sql
2021-09-15 08:41:12
3.83v passive option for a view and new user menu
- You can set view as passive, so it won't be updated in the background and will save resources.
- User menu layout change and few options to change directly.
For update just follow standard update procedure For manual update it's update_255.sql