2022-01-04 12:15:32
3.92v - In progress scenario
- In progress trigger option. This is useful in case the previous process has not finished yet. Mostly use case with custom extensions.
- Users sometimes were logged out just after login if they were using auto logout after some interval.
- I have started progress to remove old legacy widget code from the app.
- On password remind function show an identical message in all cases to avoid scanning for existing customers.
- Further PHP 8.1 fixes.
- In the statistic section now you can differentiate proactive chats was it a manual invitation or automatic.
- In case PHP-Resque was used and incoming webhook events were not sent to Rest API
- Get rid of document.write for a new widget to avoid warnings.
- jfif support as image format.
For update just follow standard update procedure For manual update it's update_264.sql
2021-12-14 09:11:35
3.91v - Various changes
- Survey API. See a swagger survey section.
- Fix tricky case if the manager is monitoring a chat and chat being transferred to him, the chat was not auto accepted. It will be now.
- The mobile app now supports android notifications categories.
- Further 8.1 PHP support improvements.
- The system tab will be remembered now on refresh.
- If the proactive invitation is used with the bot append option we should not show the next time invitation once a visitor closes it.
- SVG Cleanup on upload for security reasons.
- Operators statistic directly in online operators widget.
- Department statistic link directly in pending/active chats widget.
- CSRF token for logout link.
- We now have a zoom image option directly in the chat widget.
- Pre chat conditions.
For update just follow standard update procedure For manual update it's update_263.sql
2021-11-30 15:16:23
3.90v - Small fixes
- Widget theme table columns type changes. On some MySQL servers, it was returning that row size to big.
- In widget theme alias now is optional to avoid breaking existing implementations.
- Added tooltip explains for alias
For update just follow standard update procedure For manual update it's update_262.sql
2021-11-29 11:10:05
3.89v - Canned messages disable option
1. Canned messages can be disabled now.
2. Further 8.1 PHP compatibility fixes
For update just follow standard update procedure For manual update it's update_261.sql
2021-11-28 14:18:51
3.88v - Department and Theme alias support as argument
- Theme alias and Department alias.
- https://doc.livehelperchat.com/docs/department/department#how-to-disable-user-to-change-department
- https://doc.livehelperchat.com/docs/theme/theme/#how-to-avoid-visitors-finding-out-existing-themes
- PHP 8.1 compatibility fixes
These alias features will allow hiding completely existing departments from visitors. They won't see all of them if you make departments argument required and put a string for arguments.
For update just follow standard update procedure For manual update it's update_260.sql
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