2020-05-28 05:40:31
3.36v always online
- Option to set yourself as always online. Usefull if you are using telegram and do not want to setup department online hours.
- Auto responder has option to send notice to visitor if operator is speaking his language.
- Operator profile look improvements.
For update just follow standard update procedure For manual update it's update_210.sql
2020-05-22 06:06:24
3.35v group chats
- Group chats between operators
- More Rest API arguments for fetchmessages call
- In prefill variables workflow you can now prefill any chat variable you want.
- Files attatchement modal window is larger and has preview of images
- Password field type for custom variables defined from back office.
- And various other small changes :)
For update just follow standard update procedure For manual update it's update_209.sql
Youtube video about group chats - https://youtu.be/kT_XIYnXeg4
2020-05-18 11:43:37
Discord channel
As you know already you can always ask a question on our forum. From now you have even more direct approarch Discord channel :)
2020-05-06 06:42:09
3.34 Canned messages UI
- Canned messages new interface
- Passing variable has option to be persistent. It means variable in online visitors list will be preserved even if afterward it won't be passed.
- Offline messaging will respect priority and passed department.
- If NodeJS is enabled we should not be executing check messages call. Because NodeJS does that for us.
- Send Video in bot now supports iframes. So you can embed youtube video.
- If department was assigned to department group, operators max_chats limit was not respected.
- Rest API for adding user messages will return message data itself.
- Co-browsing new modal window for requesting screen share.
- Hash tag functionality for canned messages now has columns supports and left,right navigation between columns.
- New line were not respected if image was send in between operator messages.
- Canned messages has full HTML preview.
- RFC6265 Compatible cookie
- CLI Install update to recent version.
- Few fixes for PHP 7.4.5 compatibility.
And a lot of other small changes...
For update just follow standard update procedure For manual update it's update_208.sql
2020-05-01 03:40:17
DigitalOcean marketplace
I'm glad to announce that you now can easily install Live Helper Chat on DigitalOcean using their marketplace. I'll prepare a video how to do all that next week :)