2020-10-05 13:22:45
3.45v More options for passing chat variables
Hi all.
- Option to pass chat variable as invisible for an operators.
- Option to have a log message on passed variable if it changes during chat session.
- Mail transcript option for a new widget.
- Change UX for department assignment to an operators. There was to many false reports and mixing between assigning department to operator.
- Fixed auto login link generation.
- RTL fixes
- Co-browsing setup instruction changes
- Changes for easier docker support.
- Draggable modal various small changes.
- Support for a Docker
For update just follow standard update procedure For manual update it's update_218.sql
2020-09-28 09:53:52
3.44v Security update and few other bits.
Hi all.
- Fixed few XSS vulnerabilities found by @rekter0 (Discord), github
- (real) to (float) changes. Thanks to https://github.com/swidbert
- Widget will be shown as online if overload limit is reached, but there is bot setup in departmnet.
- Device type export in chat list.
- Updated GA tracking default template to sen event's to all installed site GA trackers.
- Canned messages import/export
- Draggable modals. Will remember position also.
- Bot text messages now can be send as system messages. Usefull to represent some information just to operators.
- Now in Rest API calls you can access any internal chat attribute.
- Adjusted widget loading workflow for slow internet cases.
- And many more small changes.
For update just follow standard update procedure There is no database update this time.
2020-09-22 07:36:11
3.43v Custom commands based on triggers
For update just follow standard update procedure For manual update it's update_217.sql
2020-09-08 08:52:46
1.1v Mobile App version
I have just released 1.1 Mobile App version. Everywone who can't wait for stores to update can download it from codemagic.
For it to funcion properly and show operators status it requires 3.42v Live Helper Chat version.
- You will see online visitor status (connected, away, disconnected) in chat lists and chat page.
- Instead of text you will see icons in chat list.
- Proper indication that operator is typing.
- Adjusted icons in message send area to give more space to text.
- You will see assigned operator in chat list now.
- Taping on message area while in chat page will hide a keyboard.
Screenshots you will find in documentation.
2020-09-07 07:27:25
3.42v Do not store visitor typing text.
- Option to do not store user typing text.
- We won't send notifications for messages if chat is pending. Only one notification about new chat will be send.
- New chat notification won't be send if chat is started with a bot. Notification will be send only if chat becomes pending.
For update just follow standard update procedure For manual update it's update_216.sql
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